Consultation Hub

As an operator of some of Australia’s oldest oil and gas fields, Esso Australia is committed to identifying and actively engaging key stakeholders on our upcoming projects and activities. Our ongoing consultation plays an essential role in how we align our approach and ensure the essential work that we are undertaking meets the community’s needs and expectations.  

Fill out our Esso Consultation Questionnaire to help us better understand your consultation needs

Consultation on offshore petroleum activities

We are currently proposing several onshore and offshore activities in the Bass Strait and are working with the communities we operate in to find solutions that balance environmental impacts and benefits with the needs of the community and regulatory requirements.

Consultation provides an opportunity for people or organisations who may be affected by petroleum activities to raise concerns, including objections or claims, about the potential impacts of the activity, to seek information about how they may be affected, and how the Esso Australia intends to manage the activity to ensure the associated impacts are as low as reasonably practicable and are acceptable. 
Information provided by relevant persons in consultation may also help Esso Australia better understand the values and sensitivities of the environment and inform the evaluation of the potential impacts and risks associated with the activity and how to manage them appropriately.

All offshore petroleum activities must have an Environment Plan (EP) accepted by the respective Commonwealth, State or Territory Regulator before they can take place.

Activities with an onshore component such as Carbon Capture and Storage or State Water Environment Plans may require additional regulatory approvals such as referrals, permits and licenses accepted by relevant regulators.

ExxonMobil must consult with relevant persons about those activities when preparing each regulatory submission.

You may be a relevant person if you or your organisation have functions, interests, or activities that may be affected by an offshore petroleum activity proposed under an environment plan being prepared or already underway under an environment plan being revised.

The terms ‘functions’ ‘interests’ and ‘activities’ should be read broadly. You do not have to have a legal or financial interest that may be affected by an offshore petroleum activity to be a relevant person.

Interests that may be affected can include things like cultural and spiritual connections to the sea or interests in the protection of specific marine species. However, to be a relevant person your interests should be more than a general interest in the environment and/or offshore petroleum activities.

These methods of relevant person identification, verification and assessment are also applied to onshore activities to ensure Esso is approaching its consultation processes in a consistent manner across all its regulatory submissions.
For more information on what defines a relevant person, please read this brochure from NOPSEMA

Upcoming activities

Read more about our upcoming projects below.

  • South East Australia Carbon Capture and Storage Project

    Esso Australia is undertaking front-end engineering design (FEED) studies to determine the potential for carbon capture and storage to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from multiple industries in the Gippsland Basin.

    Consultation ongoing.
  • Decommissioning in the Bass Strait

    We are currently managing the decline in Bass Strait oil and gas production by streamlining our operations, including decommissioning our non-producing offshore facilities.

    Consultation ongoing.
  • Gudgeon-1 and Terakihi-1: Exploration Well Plug and Abandonment

    Esso Australia is planning to undertake an offshore activity to plug and abandon (P&A) two exploration wells – Gudgeon-1 and Terakihi-1 in the Gippsland Basin, approximately 85km off the Victorian coastline.

    EP being submitted.
  • Jack-Up Rig Well Plug and Abandonment

    Esso Australia is planning to plug and abandon (P&A) 21 platform-based wells and five subsea wells in the Gippsland Basin, off the Victorian coastline.

    Environment Plan under assessment

  • Bass Strait State Waters Environment Plan

    Esso Australia is reviewing and updating the Environmental Management Plan for petroleum activities in State waters, as required under the Victorian Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010. 

    EP being submitted.

  • Kipper - Subsea Drilling

    Esso is planning to undertake a subsea drilling campaign at the Kipper location in the Gippsland Basin off the Victorian coastline. This campaign was originally planned for 2020 and will now be completed during 2025 along with other jack-up rig activities.

    Consultation ongoing.
  • Turrum Phase 3 Drilling

    Esso is planning to undertake a drilling campaign from the Marlin Complex (Marlin A and Marlin B) location in the Gippsland Basin off the Victorian coastline. This campaign will be completed during 2025 along with other jack-up rig activities.

    Consultation ongoing.

  • Gippsland Basin Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations

    Esso is planning to continue to undertake geophysical and geotechnical (G&G) activities across multiple license areas located within Commonwealth Waters in Bass
    Strait. The investigations are required to inform:

    • Plug and abandonment activities
    • Decommissioning
    • Development around existing facilities
    • Maintenance around existing facilities

    Consultation ongoing.

    Have a question or require further information?

    We regularly host community consultation sessions at locations near our sites, and welcome you to attend if you would like to learn more about our operations.

    Alternatively, you can call +61 3 9261 0000 or email
    Upcoming community consultation sessions