Primary school students learn through nature at Mt Worth National Park

On Thursday 23 November, students from Yarragon Primary School visited Mt Worth National Park in Victoria to learn about the lifecycle of plants and forests.

Students participated in nature walks where they looked out for birds, insects and different plants, and how these all worked together to form ecosystems. The students also got to do some hands-on activities undertaking seed dispersal and tree planting in the park.

The excursion was organised by the Mt Worth Landcare group, who in addition to arranging the school excursions to the park, also upgraded a boardwalk bridge with the help of VCAL students from Marist Sion College in Warragul.

Esso provided funding to the Mt Worth Landcare group through a Landcare grant as part of our pipeline replacement project in recognition of the important role the community played in helping us to successfully deliver this important infrastructure project.

Farrah Tan, Esso’s Pipelines Supervisor, attended the excursion to give the kids an insight into Esso’s operations, how we manage our responsibility to the environment and to talk about careers in science and engineering – especially for the girls!

"It was great to see firsthand the difference our community investment program makes to regional communities.  The grant was able to fund the upgrade of the boardwalk bridge, as well as fund excursions for school groups who otherwise wouldn’t be able to participate in these activities and give the kids a great hands on experience out in the bush."

Image Photo  Plaque on the newly upgraded boardwalk bridge at Mt Worth National Park.
Photo — Plaque on the newly upgraded boardwalk bridge at Mt Worth National Park.

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