Emergency preparedness a key focus for Longford Plants

Each year, Esso Australia’s Longford Plants undertakes a series of emergency response preparedness activities so that the site remains a safe and reliable producer of natural gas and crude oil.

Longford Plants is one of the state’s most important industrial sites and it was visited on Wednesday, 22 August by key external stakeholders from government and the emergency services to test local emergency response capabilities.

This included representatives from Victoria State Emergency Service, Country Fire Authority, Victoria Police and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (Emergency Management Division).

The purpose of the site visit was to discuss emergency response planning, share knowledge and expertise and take part in a simulated emergency response exercise, whereby an injured worker was rescued by crews from atop the Gas Conditioning Plant.

“Safety is our number one priority and our dedicated approach to ensuring safe operations means that while an emergency response situation is unlikely, our teams are trained to be able to respond effectively,” Esso Australia’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Advisor Bruce Robinson said.

“These visits enable our local emergency services to familiarise with our facilities, equipment and processes while for our team, we can test our procedures so that we are prepared in the unlikely event of an emergency, in order to protect on our people, the community and our environment.”

Image Photo  Longford Plants during the recent simulated emergency response exercise.
Photo — Longford Plants during the recent simulated emergency response exercise.

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