Volunteering footprints have strong community reach

Volunteering has always been a key part of ExxonMobil Australia’s broader community relations program, and it remains an integral way that our local workforce can give something back to the wider community.

Kain Jackson, an Operations Technician from Longford Plants, exemplifies this ethos. His work with the Footprints Foundation helps to support the provision of practical services to women and their families with Sale and the wider local district while they undergo breast cancer treatment.

Kain says the aim of the services provided by the Footprints Foundation is to support both the patient, and their family so that they can provide emotional support to the patient, while they undergo their treatment through providing garden and lawn maintenance, catering support and cleaning services.

“One of the key aims of the Footprints Foundation is to provide the opportunity for people and businesses within Sale and the district area to support local people in their time of need.  

“We have been operating since 2014 and with the help of our current and past Committee representatives, local businesses via our Corporate Support Program and in excess of 100 volunteers from our Volunteer Support Program, we have supported more than 30 families, which we are extremely proud of as a committee.    

“In my view, volunteering is an extremely important part of developing stronger, resilient communities and a feeling of connectedness. When people get together to support a cause, it helps develop a sense of community,” he said.  

ExxonMobil Australia Community Relations Manager Melanie Saliba said the business takes a proactive approach to encourage and support employee participation in the community.

“Programs such as the annual Volunteer Involvement Program (VIP), which allows employees in Australia to nominate the charity with which they volunteer to receive a $1,000 grant, Day of Caring group volunteering days at operational sites, as well as volunteer leave for staff at Docklands, all demonstrate the commitment and emphasis we place on giving back to the community.

“Last year we provided a whopping $84,000 to various community groups through the VIP program, thanks to a large group of our employees who are actively volunteering in their community,” she said.

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