Keeping Longford wheels turning in Vanuatu

A collaboration across the Pacific between Esso Australia, the Sale Men’s Shed, Sale Rotary and the Santo Men’s Shed in Vanuatu, will see 180 bikes donated to people impacted by Cyclone Harold.
With the Longford Gas Plants team moving to other transportation modes, a new home for the bikes that people had previously used to travel around the sprawling site, was needed.

“With so many of the bikes in good working order, it just didn’t feel right to send them off to landfill,” said Longford Safety, Security and Health Supervisor Mick Triantafyllou.

“I saw real potential for many of the bikes to be put to good use, so I spoke to a few of my contacts in the Sale community.

“It was suggested that the Sale Men’s Shed could take the bikes off our hands and check them over, completing minor services to those that needed some attention.”

Mick’s next challenge with the Sale Men’s Shed was to find the like-new bikes a new home.

“It’s not as easy as you might think to find new homes for 180 bikes,” said Mick.

“Thankfully, Sale Rotary stepped in, offering to ship the restored bikes to Vanuatu as part of their efforts to help people impacted by Cyclone Harold earlier this year.

“Sale Rotary will send all of the bikes to Santo, Vanuatu on our behalf,” said Mick.

“Around 95% of the bikes are in good condition and the Sale Rotary will send them to Santo for the community to use. The remaining bikes will be used by the Santo Men’s Shed for spare parts.”
Image Longford Safety, Security and Health Supervisor Mick (far right), with members of the Sale Rotary and Sale Men's Shed who worked together to make this donation possible.
Longford Safety, Security and Health Supervisor Mick (far right), with members of the Sale Rotary and Sale Men's Shed who worked together to make this donation possible.