Longford Plants update December 2020

Update from Kartik Garg, Longford Plants Manager

Reconnecting with our community

This year, just as we’ve had to adjust our operations to ensure we can maintain the flow of essential energy to our customers in a COVID-safe way, we’ve also had to adjust our community engagement program to ensure that we’re providing support where it’s most needed. While we were able to maintain a number of our longstanding relationships with community groups, such as the Sale Men’s Shed and Central Gippsland Health Service, we also used this opportunity to form relationships with new community partners.

With the easing of COVID19 restrictions across Victoria I was so pleased to be able to visit some of our valued community stakeholders during November.

Our support of the Gippsland Employment Skills Training Inc. (GEST), who provides community services out of the Moe Community Hub, is one example of a new initiative we’re supporting in response to COVID19. Funding from Esso Australia will provide a significant cash injection, enabling GEST to upgrade the hub’s kitchen so that they can provide hospitality training in a commercial kitchen setting as well provide meals to locals in need through their soup kitchen.

When I met with the team at GEST it was heartening to hear how our support will help them grow their training offering and provide opportunities for locals who need some extra assistance to enter the job market, especially in the current tough economic climate.

It was also terrific to meet the team at Central Gippsland Health Service to learn more about how our support is helping them purchase a significant amount of vital equipment to support their delivery of important health services to the community.

This year’s support has helped them to purchase a portable vaccine fridge to assist in the efficient and safe delivery of vaccines, along with additional trolleys for the Emergency Department. Our funding also contributed to the construction of a purpose-built freezer for the Service’s Meals on Wheels program.

I am also very pleased with our continued support of the Sale Lions Club Christmas Hampers. For 46 years, this support has provided community members with a much-needed boost to bring some joy to their holiday celebrations.

As we head towards the end of 2020, I am sure many of us are looking forward to a brighter 2021. I hope that with the easing COVID19 restrictions you get the chance to spend valuable time with your family or friends, safe in the knowledge that our team will be working hard to supply the energy that Australia needs.

If you would like more information about our operations or our community initiatives please feel free to drop me a line at communityANZ@exxonmobil.com.