Longford Plants update June 2020

Update from Kartik Garg, Longford Plants Manager
As we all navigate our way through this COVID-19 pandemic, the team at Longford Plants is focused on maintaining our essential energy supplies to the community.

We continue to monitor the pandemic, implementing actions and adjusting work practices to keep our people safe, so we can continue to deliver the essential energy Australia needs.

So many people and businesses, along with essential services like hospitals and emergency responders, rely on the energy we supply and it’s vitally important that we keep our people safe and maintain our operations throughout this very challenging time and especially in winter when demand for our gas is at its greatest.

Earlier this year, as we do every summer, we invested in critical maintenance activities to prepare our operations to reliably meet the increase in demand for gas, as we all turn on our heaters and spend more time indoors during the colder months.

This is also a time for us to reach out and support each other, especially those in our community who have been most impacted by COVID19 response measures.

In response, we adjusted our Bright Future Grants to support local schools make the transition to remote learning. I was really pleased to see schools utilise the grants to support both teachers and students with remote learning, including the purchase of technology such as web cameras that aren’t usually required in a class room setting.

We recently supported Foodbank Victoria to deliver 60,000 meals to vulnerable Victorians during this tough time, as well as Barrier Breakers, who provide mental health support services to the Gippsland community.

I am also really excited that Esso Australia is powering Wellington Shire’s Gippsland Live competition, the search for our best original music artists. I can’t wait to see the winners of this competition play live, along with a headline music act at the next Esso Under the Stars concert in early 2021.

Just like the team at Longford Plants, I hope that you and your family and friends are staying safe and looking out for one another.