Esso Australia commissions high-tech assessments of our offshore facilities

Using drones and scanners to build 3D models of our Bass Strait platforms.
Image An image of the Kingfish A platform in Bass Strait captured by an Airscope drone as part of Esso Australia's campaign to build 3D digital models of some of our offshore facilities.
An image of the Kingfish A platform in Bass Strait captured by an Airscope drone as part of Esso Australia's campaign to build 3D digital models of some of our offshore facilities.
Esso Australia is undertaking a campaign using high-tech drone and laser scanning tools to build 3D digital models of some of our offshore facilities.

“As part of our ongoing maintenance program, we regularly undertake detailed assessments of our facilities,” said Decommissioning Asset Manager, Simon Kemp.

“This year, we’ve engaged Airscope Industries to deliver functional 3D models of some of our facilities Bass Strait.

“Over the next three months, we will capture high definition drone and laser scan imagery of the Mackerel, Fortescue, Flounder, Kingfish A, Kingfish B, Bream A and Bream B platforms.”

The campaign builds on the Bass Strait facilities previously captured by Airscope Industries, namely Whiting, Perch, Dolphin and Tuna, and will provide Esso Australia with interactive 3D models of our Gippsland facilities.

“These models will be used to develop and plan work programs for the care and preservation of our platforms, to plug and abandonment wells and for longer-term decommissioning,” said Simon.

“The beauty of having these models is that we are able to visualize the platforms in 3D on our laptops at any time. We can even share the information with our key contractors, which saves time and effort”. 

“We continue to focus on safely shutting-down platforms as they reach the end of their productive life, and ensuring they stay safe as we move through the various stages of decommissioning.

“So as well as providing information we need to continue to develop our longer-term decommissioning plans, the detailed models produced will also provide another tool to help to identify any maintenance that may need to be addressed in the shorter-term and guide our current and future work plans.”

An example of a 3D model of the Kingfish A platform that has been produced as part of this work.