Esso Australia sponsors the Lions Club of Sale convention

Sharing the contributions and potential of the Gippsland Basin with the Sale community

Esso Australia further cemented our longstanding relationship with Lions Club of Sale at their yearly convention across last weekend.

Designed to celebrate the successful relationship between Esso Australia and Lions Club of Sale and denote the sponsorship, a unique wooden keepsake carved from wood recovered from the local area, was presented by Lions President Steve Boyce to Geoff Humphreys, Esso Australia Production Manager.

Geoff was also provided the opportunity to address the club and discuss our latest investments to deliver Gippsland gas to our customers and the ongoing work to transform our energy systems and maintain our supply of essential energy to eastern Australia.

During the event, a moment was taken to reflect on the contributions we have made to the Lions Club of Sale over the last 48 years, and the contributions our Gippsland operations have made to the community through providing highly skilled jobs and supporting local businesses.

“The convention was a great opportunity to chat to key members of the Gippsland community about upcoming opportunities for the region as we transition to a modern gas business, whilst celebrating our enduring relationship with the Lions Club of Sale,” stated Geoff Humphreys, Production Manager of Esso Australia.

Esso representatives were in attendance across the entirety of the event, with Geoff, Kartik and Simon present for the cake decorating competition on Saturday afternoon. Longford Plant Manager, Kartik Garg welcomed the group at the opening ceremony Friday night, and held a key role together with Decommissioning Asset Manager, Simon Kemp, as a judge for the District Final of the Junior Public Speaking contest on Saturday morning.

Simon also honoured members who had passed over the last year at a Remembrance Service at the Sale Botanic Gardens to mark the conclusion of convention on Sunday morning.

“We’re appreciative of the 48 year long relationship we have with Esso Australia, one of the longest-running associations any company has had with a not-for-profit within the region,” Steve Boyce, Lions Club president said.

“It was great to receive insight into what the company has planned for the region over the coming years, and the opportunity to learn how Esso is evolving into a modern gas business,” he concluded.