Update from David McCord, Long Island Point Manager, June 2021

23 June is International Women in Engineering Day, a day which aims to highlight some of the amazing work by women in engineering and technical roles.

At Long Island Point we value the contribution of our diverse team, including the many women who are employed in engineering and technical roles as part of our team, as well as those involved in other functions that support our business.

Managing the supply of essential liquid fuels and chemical feedstocks to our customers is a complex task that requires specialist skills. From our Operations Superintendent and Maintenance Planner, to Operations Technicians and Apprentice Electricians, women fill a number of these highly skilled roles across our operations.

As well as employing a number of women in roles across our operations, we recently collaborated with Swinburne University to provide a female student with a 12-month vocational experience in our laboratory. We also have an increasing number of young women employed in various apprenticeships, cadetships and traineeships. 

It’s great to see more and more workplaces realising the value to be gained from a diverse workforce. I hope that days like International Women in Engineering Day will encourage more young women to pursue technical studies and careers. I know that the team at Long Island Point is certainly benefitting from the variety of ideas and perspectives we get from our diverse workforce.

If you would like more information about our operations or our community initiatives please feel free to drop me a line at communityANZ@exxonmobil.com.
Image At Long Island Point we value the contribution of our diverse team, including the many women who are employed in engineering and technical roles as part of our team, as well as those involved in other functions that support our business.
At Long Island Point we value the contribution of our diverse team, including the many women who are employed in engineering and technical roles as part of our team, as well as those involved in other functions that support our business.