Esso Australia supports Sale College Excellence Awards

Congratulations to Sale College Year 11 student Anastasia Winnell winner of the Mathematics and Science Excellence Award

As part of its commitment to supporting the local community and encouraging students to pursue studies in STEM, Esso Australia has supported the Sale College annual Excellence Award in Maths and Science for several years.

This year’s deserving winner was Anastasia Winnell, who was presented with the Esso Mathematics and Science Excellence Award by Esso Australia Shutdown Coordinator Derek Phelps, at the Sale Memorial Hall during the Sale College Senior Awards Ceremony on December 13.

“The Esso Mathematics and Science Excellence Award is a prestigious award which recognises students for their commitment to and excellence in the fields of math and science,” said Derek Phelps, Esso Australia Shutdown Coordinator.

“Through this award we hope to encourage bright young minds to excel through their schooling and pursue careers in science, technology engineering and mathematics,” he continued.

Sale College Principal, Brendan Staple said the school community valued Esso’s support.

“We truly appreciate Esso’s ongoing support of the Sale College Senior Awards Ceremony and their ongoing role in providing highly skilled job opportunities for the local community,” said Brendan.