Every day is different when working in energy!

Operations Technician Nicole Brown shares her experiences working at the Long Island Point plant 

ExxonMobil’s Long Island Point (LIP) plant, based in Hastings Victoria, has been operating for over 50 years. When the plant first opened back in 1970, there would have been very few, if any, women in technical or operations roles. Today, Nicole Brown is one of the many women contributing to the Long Island Point plant’s vital role in Esso Australia’s energy supply chain.

The team at LIP perform the final role of processing gas liquids from the Gippsland Basin and storing crude oils prior to their distribution to Australian and international refineries.

Nicole starting working as an Operations Technician at the Long Island Point Fractionation Plant in 2019, after working closely with the company as a supplier through the Esso Australia Training Department.

“I saw the oil and gas industry offered a great opportunity for me to grow professionally and personally,” said Nicole.

“During my time with Esso Australia I’ve had the opportunity experience many aspects of the business, which has given me a foundation of knowledge that I use in my current role as an Operations Technician.”

Nicole is currently working within the Planning Department, which brings together people in the operations, maintenance and planning teams to develop preventative maintenance, repair and upgrade plans.

“Undertaking training in this department has allowed me to learn even more about how the business operates,” she continued.

“My scope of work involves managing specific areas of the plant to ensure the safety of the people, environment and our operations is maintained.

“I regularly perform activities such as area surveillance, assessing tasks and issuing permits for maintenance works, starting pumps and compressors, performing and developing equipment isolations, removing hydrocarbons from facilities, reinstating equipment and coordinating shipping to transfer LPG and crude oil to customers.

“Each day is different, and there is always something new to learn,” said Nicole.

Nicole appreciates the opportunity to work alongside other females in what is traditionally a typically male-dominated industry and encourages other women to consider studies or careers in the field.

“My advice to young women considering entering the industry is that energy careers are for women too! Give it a go, work hard, contribute 100% and be resilient. Typically it can be a hard field for anyone to get into, but it is very rewarding and is truly worth it.”