Meet our sponsor puppy Vegemite

ExxonMobil Australia is proud to sponsor an Educational Assistance Dog through Assistance Dogs Australia, based at East Gippsland Special School.
Image ExxonMobil’s sponsor puppy is a Labrador named Vegemite.
ExxonMobil’s sponsor puppy is a Labrador named Vegemite.

Each year, in lieu of printing Christmas cards, ExxonMobil Australia makes a contribution to a worthy cause. This year, the company is thrilled to sponsor a beautiful Labrador named Vegemite, an Educational Assistance Dog who has been trained and placed by Assistance Dogs Australia (ADA). 

Through this sponsorship, ADA has been able to place Vegemite at East Gippsland Specialist School where he supports children with special needs as they learn. 

ADA is a charity that provides accredited Assistance Dogs to children and adults living with disability. Their goal is to enhance the independence of people living with physical and mental disabilities (such as Autism and PTSD) through the provision of an Assistance Dog to support their mobility, sensory, access and social needs.

ExxonMobil Australia’s sponsorship will cover the costs associated with placing the dog in the community, which requires extensive follow up and support. With these funds, ADA will ensure that each client living with disability and their new Assistance Dog are well equipped and supported during this important transition phase. 

As puppies, Assistance Dogs live with and are trained by puppy educators until they are ready to be placed. Vegemite’s puppy educator is a Japanese language teacher who reported that he loved mingling with her students, so it seems Vegemite was destined to work with young children.

Fran Diogo, ADA’s Corporate Puppy Sponsor Executive, said, “He is now fulfilling his life purpose continuing to support children in the education settings – it was meant to be!"