Altona refinery takes community meeting online

The Altona refinery team did not let COVID19 restrictions stand in the way of meeting with their neighbours
During October, the Altona refinery team reinstated their regular community meetings with neighbours, taking the meeting online to meet COVID19 restrictions that were in place at the time.

Altona Refinery Manager, Riccardo Cavallo, stated that after having to defer community meetings earlier in the year due to uncertainty around the pandemic and how the refinery could support online meetings, he was very pleased the refinery team had found a way to continue engaging with their neighbours.

“Our first online community meeting was a learning experience for us all, but definitely very worthwhile,” said Riccardo.

“After issuing an open invitation to the community through the local newspaper, we were pleased to have around 12 people register to attend the meeting.

“Many of these community members had attended a meeting before, however it was great to see that there were a few new participants keen to try out the digital meeting format,” said Riccardo.

“Community members were also invited to submit questions that they would like to see addressed in advance of the meeting, which gave as a chance to tailor the discussion to topics the community were most interested in.”

While there was some feedback from community members, and the refinery team, that the online meeting didn’t deliver the exact same experience as an in-person event, such as missing out on the supper of sandwiches and tea cake that is usually provided, the refinery will consider holding future meetings online if the COVID19 pandemic persists in Melbourne.

“Throughout this year, our number one priority has been keeping the refinery team COVID19-safe, so that we can continue safely producing fuel for Victoria,” said Riccardo.

“Unfortunately this means that even though restrictions may be easing in Melbourne, the refinery is likely to continue to have additional safety measures in place for some time.

“The steps that are likely to remain in place include limiting the number of people who attend our workplace, to keep those who need to work at the refinery safe so they can continue their important work in providing the essential fuel that Victorians need.”
Image Altona refinery Safety, Security, Health and Environment Manager, Lyndon, was one of the refinery team members who provided an update to neighbours during the refinery's first-ever online community meeting.
Altona refinery Safety, Security, Health and Environment Manager, Lyndon, was one of the refinery team members who provided an update to neighbours during the refinery's first-ever online community meeting.