Altona refinery team volunteers at Foodbank Victoria

A team from Altona refinery recently spent the day helping Foodbank Victoria to provide vital food relief
Image A team from Altona refinery recently spent the day volunteering at Foodbank Victoria’s Yarraville warehouse, packing 15,944 meals that will be sent to just some of the 533 charities that Foodbank Victoria supports.

A team from Altona refinery recently spent the day volunteering at Foodbank Victoria’s Yarraville warehouse, packing 15,944 meals that will be sent to just some of the 533 charities that Foodbank Victoria supports.

Eight members of the Altona refinery team recently spent the day volunteering at Foodbank Victoria’s Yarraville warehouse.

During the day, the team packed 15,944 meals for vulnerable Victorians that will be sent to just some of the 533 charities that Foodbank Victoria supports, setting the bar high for the next group of volunteers!

Decommissioning Manager, Dan Grogan, said he had attended many team building events over his career, but none like this.

“It was the one of the best team building events I have ever participated in! It was hard work on the packing line, but lots of fun at the same time,” he said.

“It was great to know that even our small contribution of one day of time and effort will make a difference to so many people.”

Altona refinery Safety, Security, Health and Environment Manager, Lyndon Raymond, said he appreciated the opportunity to participate in such a meaningful group experience after the challenges of the last 12 months.

“After spending much of the last year isolated from many people, it was great to participate in this team building event and know that all our hard work was helping so many people less fortunate than ourselves.”

Whether it’s everyday emergencies or in times of crisis, Foodbank Victoria has been providing vital food relief for more than 90 years. The volunteering opportunities have been made available thanks to our significant community contribution to Foodbank Victoria to support their bushfire and COVID19 relief efforts in 2020.

With the lifting of many COVID19 restrictions we have now begun participating in Foodbank Victoria's corporate volunteering program. Up to 120 employees have already expressed interest in participating in the volunteering program through to the end of the year.