Update from the Mobil Altona fuel terminal

The Mobil Altona site has transitioned from a refinery to an import terminal and will continue to play a crucial role in supporting Victoria’s fuel supply
The Mobil Altona site has undergone some important changes in recent months. Previously operating as a refinery, it is now functioning as an import terminal and will continue to play a crucial role in supporting Victoria’s fuel supply.

Mobil recently updated key stakeholders on the refinery’s conversion to a terminal and provided a bus tour of the site. 

Catherine O’Donnell, Mobil Altona’s Terminal Transition Manager said, “The shutdown has been successfully completed with all refinery process units now resting and our last flare was turned off in May.” 

The Altona and Yarraville terminals will now be working together as the Melbourne Fuels terminal, which will continue to be a major supplier of fuel for Victoria into the future.

Another exciting development for the Altona terminal team was their first diesel delivery on a Long Range Vessel being safely received via Gellibrand wharf in March this year. 

Gellibrand is the only deep-water fuels berth in Melbourne, meaning it is the only wharf in the city that can accept deliveries on Long Range Vessels. With the capacity to accept larger vessels, Mobil is able to bring in more cargo on one shipment, enabling increased efficiency.

“Achieving our first safe delivery from a Long-Range Vessel supports our commitment to maintaining our reliable supply of quality Mobil fuels to our customers,” Catherine continued.

The team at Altona are focused on remaining a valued member of the local community, continuing to foster relationships with local community groups and schools, as well as continuing to be a responsible operator.

As part of this, we are proudly maintaining our support of projects run by local community groups. Most recently, we supported the new Altona North Community House, which is currently being fitted out and prepared for operations later this year.

Mobil Altona has made a significant contribution to the fit out of this centre, which will provide much needed support for community members through educational opportunities such as English language classes and technology classes for seniors.