Mobil team raises funds for cancer research in 2024 Box Rally

Mobil team members Aaron Bandy and James Michelmore competed in a rally from Adelaide to Perth to raise much needed funds for the Cancer Council, supported in their efforts by Mobil.
Image Aaron and James refueling at a Mobil station along the route
Aaron and James refueling at a Mobil station along the route

With support from Mobil, team members Aaron Bandy and James Michelmore competed in a rally driving from Adelaide to Perth to raise much needed funds for the Cancer Council.

The pair drove almost 5,000 kilometres across the Australian outback in an old car worth under $1500 on some of the country’s most challenging roads.

Rallies take place each season of the year, with Aaron and James (competing as ‘The Engineers’) participating in the Autumn 2024 rally, which has raised an incredible $2.9 million for the cause.

Aaron, who manages Mobil’s Birkenhead Terminal in South Australia, and James, who works at the Mobil Altona Terminal, have been involved in one rally per year for the past four years.

“The Rally allows us to contribute to a cause close to our hearts and it’s an exciting challenge that combines our passion for cars and adventure,” said Aaron.

The aim is to raise funds and awareness for a worthy cause and those involved get to take part in a memorable adventure, making new lifelong friends along the way.

The Rally was founded by James Freeman after he lost both of his parents to cancer 12 months apart. James and his family nursed their parents through the last stages of their lives. When his Dad passed away, James wanted to do something to make a difference.

The project has grown to a total of 225 teams, plus support teams - approximately 550 people who take part each year in various ways.

Mobil’s donation to the Cancer Council will go towards research to prevent, detect, fight and manage cancer.  Funds raised in this event allow the cancer council to fund research grants that are peer reviewed and scored according to their scientific merit and their value to patients, carers and the wider community.

James said, “Aaron and I had an awesome time seeing some incredible sights of Australia’s outback driving almost 5,000 kilometres between Adelaide to Perth via Uluru and the Nullabor.

“It made us really proud to be supported by our workplace and to be able to fill up with fuel that came from Mobil along the way.”

Find out more about the rally here.