Long Island Point Plant Manager Community Dinner speech

David McCord

Long Island Point Plant Manager

Thank you once again for taking the time to come and meet with us to discuss our business – particularly at this exciting time.

I really do appreciate the interest you are showing in the work we do here and I am very grateful for the opportunity to hear about what’s on your mind.

We recognise the importance of collaborating with our community in everything that we do and for that reason I intend to try and demystify what we do here at Long Island Point.

As part of this we I’m pleased to announce that we are introducing a Whisper SMS system that will alert those in the community who sign up of any concerning issues at the plant.

It’s a system that works well at a number of our other sites, and I believe we even have some sign-up forms here today.  

I am also hoping to get some probing questions about our business here today, and whenever I can get out to community groups as I hope to be able to do more of.

I’m looking forward to visiting University of the Third Age (U3A) later this year, because I know I’ll get some probing questions there. I’m also keen to hear what they have to say, because in my experience, this is a group that includes a rich source of wisdom and experience on a wide range of subjects.

We are always looking for opportunities to improve our operations and an important part of that involves being a valued member of our community.

As far as I’m concerned, there is no greater contribution we can make to the community than building jobs and skills particularly for our young people. This is why I am so pleased to see us roll out a new apprenticeship program.

We have received three of the new apprentices this year, and I’m confident we will be in a position to take more next year.

We are also looking at opportunities to start an operations technician traineeship program. We mentioned the importance of providing energy for the economy into the future, and ensuring we have new generations of workers with technical skills is an important part of meeting that challenge.

This starts in the schools and kindergartens by nurturing children’s interests in science and maths.

As we point out each year, this is a big focus of our support for local schools.

Each year we support and encourage a range of initiatives that promote STEM learning in schools through our Bright Future grants.

I have to say, one thing that has really impressed me since I arrived here, is the devotion and commitment everyone at Long Island Point has to the environment.

I’ve worked in all sorts of settings at locations around the world, but I’ve never experienced a team that has more pride in their operations and the way they protect their environment.

Each day we receive, process, store and deliver thousands and thousands of barrels of petroleum products, including crude oil for the refining industry, ethane for the chemicals industry and LPG for both chemical production and the transport industry.

We have been doing this around the clock, day-in, day out for almost half a century in a way that has protected this unique, vibrant marine ecosystem.

I think this is a mark of the quality of scientific expertise we work with within our organisation, within the regulators and within the industry.

We monitor our environment closely and whenever an issue is identified we work with the regulators and our global scientific experts to ensure we mitigate it in a way that protects our ecosystems.

Since 1982 parts of Western Port, including Long Island Point, have been designated as a Ramsar wetland of international importance.

This is something that I believe Esso can be particularly proud of, given the lengths we have gone to over the years in order to protect our environment, particularly our mangroves.

We have been upgrading our facilities, including our crude tank farm. I can assure you the team here is working carefully to ensure we continue to minimise our environmental footprint as this work proceeds.

In conclusion, I can tell you it’s a really exciting time to be joining the team at the Long Island Point plant, which is an economic asset of national significance. We have strong demand for our products, we’re investing in our operations to ensure we can continue supplying much needed products for the economy long into the future.

I want to thank you for your interest and ongoing support. 

We have many exciting years ahead here at Long Island Point and I’m looking forward to answering any questions you may have.

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