Nurturing young bright minds

The team at Altona Refinery are always eager to engage with the local community and in particular with local children who have surprisingly inquisitive minds.

This was evident when the Altona Refinery received a call from a teacher at One Tree Kinder, who was eager to organise a visit from a refinery team member to answer a question many of the kids had been asking: “What are those giant candles in the distance?”

To answer this question, Safety Adviser Mark Robertson visited the kindergarten to talk about what happens at the refinery.

Armed with a bucket full of protective equipment, Mark ran two science focused sessions for the kinder kids including a presentation on how to make jet fuel and what it is that people do at the refinery. Mark also answered a wide range of questions from the kinder kids along with their grade 5 buddies who joined the second session.

Mark looks forward to visiting One Tree Kinder again in the near future.

Image Photo Safety Adviser Mark Robertson visited One Tree Kindergarten recently to discuss how Altona Refinery meets Victoria's fuel needs.
Photo — Safety Adviser Mark Robertson visited One Tree Kindergarten recently to discuss how Altona Refinery meets Victoria's fuel needs.

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